Poplar Street, Willetton, WA 6155
Great for
- Clean & green
- Internet access
- Neighbourly spirit
- Parks and recreation
- Peace and quiet
Not great for
- Eating out
- Nightlife
Who lives here?
- Families With Kids
Reviews of Poplar Street, Willetton
"Rossmoyne Senior High School 3 mins walk - lovely neighbours, reasonable house prices"
**Rossmoyne SHS - 2009 highest scoring state school, about 27 ATAR scores over 99**
If your number one priority is education for your children at an affordable price you can't do better than easy access to Rossmoyne Senior High School from Poplar Street, with the school about 3 minutes walk away. If your kids passed the gifted and talented test you can get into this school from anywhere in Perth. If, however, they missed out on the test at primary school, or just failed the grade, you can still live in the area, and your children will have a right of entry to the school they they will be placed in classes appropriate to their educational level - some even get placed in the "gifted" (GATE) stream for some subjects if a teacher realises they have potential. The reason why Rossomoyne is good, when it is just a state school tends to be about a history of self fulfilling prophecy, so the teachers, who are also good, have good pupils to teach. Families who care about education but don't necessarily have money move into the area to get their kids into this school. This means their children are going to be with a generally motivated group of kids who take studying seriously because that is part of their home and cultural expectation. It is as much about the friends they make and the extra tutorials available at school as well as out of school tutorial classes held at the school, e.g the lovely "Aunty Lena" who does fantastic English classes on various evenings, North Shore tutoring on Sundays and Academic Task Force on Saturdays. It doesn't matter what colour, racial group, or cultural background you come from, and many of the high achievers are not even from English speaking backgrouds. It will work best for your kids if they can get in there from Year 8 as it is good preparation in the early years that make the big difference to Y11 and Y12 success.
Public transport is good, with bus stops within metres of Poplar Street and Bull Creek Station a few minutes bus or cycle ride or 17 minutes walk. IGA open 8am-8pm is about 500 metres away and Southlands is about 20 minutes walk with a shopping centre, Woolworths, cinema, public library etc.
Who lives here?
- Families with kids