Sunnybank Drive, West Ballina, NSW 2478
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Reviews of Sunnybank Drive, West Ballina
"A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing"
This property is in West Ballina which has a high percentage of indigenous and Housing Commission residents and a high rate of break ins and crime. The town of Ballina itself appears, on the surface, to be a lovely beachside location but the local youth, and some not so youthful people, have made it a very ordinary town to live in. Be prepared to be awoken at night with drunken youths doing burnouts in your street, yelling obscenities at each other or smashing bottles right outside your window, young women passing out or vomiting in your front yard or stealing or destroying your property. We have recently moved from central Ballina to a quieter country location as living in Ballina was no longer an enjoyable experience due to all of the previously described activities. The police are ineffectual and may come out if you call them 4 or 5 times. We had a youth being beaten by a large groups of young 'men' in our street and the police failed to respond, even after 4 phone calls. Would I recommend living in Central or West Ballina in its present state? - NEVER! East Ballina appears to be a better option as there are no licenced premises in the area that are popular with young people.
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This has been an ongoing problem in Ballina for years and years and years. For as long as the 'housing commission' areas remain (along with their residents) the problems will never go away. Ask any local and they will tell you that the only places in the Ballina area to live an enjoyable existence is East Ballina (although some of the townhouse complexes need 'cleaning up' too) and Lennox Head (although definitely not in the actual town itself).