What areas in Tamworth are known to Crime?
3 Answers
Go to microburbs.com.au, look at Tamworth crime map there.
The crime in Tamworth is mostly opportunistic crime. Therefore it can happen anywhere in the city. However most of the crime is committed by people on foot. So any place that requires a drive would be less likely to be "hit". East Tamworth is OK, and any outer areas. Stay clear of South Tamworth around Robert Street, and west across the railway line. These areas are lower socio economic, and tend to harbor the criminals. it gives me no joy to tell you any of this...I love this great city and all it offers. I wouldn't let these bad eggs spoil it for you...they are in every sizable city.
To be honest, the north and eastern parts are probably the least crime ridden. If you're worried about where to stay away from, I'd definitely recommend staying away from Coledale (I lived nearby and it was a poor neighbourhood mostly filled with crime. One of my friends who lived in that neighbourhood had to get their house gated off to stop people from breaking in etc.). I used to live in Westdale and it's not that bad. My particular home was near the Westdale shop and it sounds perfect for what you want tbh. It's got a park nearby (the one opposite of the Westdale shop, though it isn't that good), a primary school (Westdale Public from what I can remember) a highschool (Peel High), an inn (Duck Inn) and a convenience store (Summers Westdale) nearby. If you choose the right place, it really can be perfect.
I would agree with Johndr, stay away from anywhere near coledale and south tamworth near Robert st. Westdale may also have some Dodgey parts to it as well. I grew up in tamworth and now live in Sydney. If I were to live there again I would live in east/north tamworth or slightly out of town (Moore Creek) area. Calala area may also be good too but it's a bit out of the way from town.