What is the travel time/traffic like to and from Brisbane?
3 Answers
You can check out translink.com.au and use the journey planner to get an idea of the times and costs going to the city by bus or train from Cleveland. During the day (off peak) a trip to the city takes about 35 to 45 minutes. I don't travel to work in the city so i'm not too sure how long peak times would be however, from what i'm told it should be less than an hour each way during peak times. If you're looking for a quieter pace in life, lots of bird life, friendly people, easy access to beautiful islands (incl North Stradbroke) then you're choosing a really good place. Been in the Redlands for nearly 10 years, with 8.5 years in Victoria Point and we love it!!!
There is a bus station with bus to and from Brisbane CBD but the trip takes at least one hour and the buses are not that frequent. Your best bet is to drive to 8 Mile Plains and take the express bus along the bus way there. If you buy in Cleveland then you'd do best to take the train in - about one hour - but you can read or whatever on the train whereas you can't do that driving to 8 Mile Plains.
Great, thank you so much. Houses are so much more affordable up here and we spend most of the weekends on the boat, fishing etc so from what I have researched it sounds perfect. Will rent up here first though, just to be sure but I took myself on a tour yesterday (as I am visiting friends in Brisbane) and it looked beautiful. My partner is in air con and focuses mainly on corporate buildings so I'd say he needs to go into Brisbane for that but I'm an early childhood teacher so hopefully I can get something out of the city. Thanks again for your help.