3.5(30 reviews)

Caboolture, QLD 4510

3.5(30 reviews)

Ranked 250th best suburb by locals in Brisbane Region, QLD

Great for

  • Parks and recreation
  • Internet access
  • Medical facilities
  • Gym and fitness
  • Schools

Not great for

  • Nightlife

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  • Country Lovers

Reviews of Caboolture, QLD

Editors Choice

"A Rapidly Growing, Affordable Location"

Caboolture is growing in amazing ways. There is an outstanding amount of developments underway, So weather you are a first home buyer, Renting or a young family starting out the options are endless.
You will here Good comments and bad comments however it all depends on what you make of it.
Caboolture is a cheaper area to live with the perks of the Sunshine Coast just up the road and a train line to take you to anywhere you want to go.
Above comments are all about bad experiences people have had but if people opened there eyes and there ears there is bad experiences to say about any and all areas.
Some locations around town are not as good as others however before you buy or rent look around the neighborhood and you will usually be able to see what kind of area you are in.

Great for

  • All basic shopping needs are nearby
  • Access to beaches, fishing and parks
  • Lots of pubs and taverns
  • Great shopping
  • Lots of schools and daycare facilities

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
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  • Retirees
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  • LGBT+
  • Students
  • Country Lovers

I live in West Caboolture and the same people in the street including myself have being there for 18 years or more. Is very pretty once we get some rain and the parks are nice as well. Council has spent a lot of money to the parks in the area

Jas Steele
Jas Steele

What you make of it!

Jas Steele
Jas Steele

Id say make sure you do your research, thoroughly -buying or renting. Buyers - If you sign a contract, within the 5 day cooling off period, go introduce yourself to the immediate neighbours and ask a few questions about the neighbourhood. If theyre decent they will talk and you will get a feel. Do a drive around the neighbourhood and observe. Do a night drive around. Use your discernment with the neighbours and the street. The outside will give some indication of whats going on inside. If you get a bad gist, pull out of that contract. Same goes for renters. Wait for something more suitable. Its all good and well saying, its what you make if it! But when youre living in a challenging environment and locked in, it will impact most people. The area has some new estates and it is definitely growing and changing, but you there are still a load of disengaged, highly dysfunctional people in this area. It will take a very long time for this to evolve. So, just because the properties here are more affordable, dont rush in and take your time.

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Looking for a home in Caboolture?

Editors Choice

"What you make of it"

I moved to Caboolture a lwhile ago now. After a few years I realised many people have this stigma about the place, but it is really what you make of it. If you go looking for horrible things you will find them in any town or city. This isn't just a low socio economic status area. Although a lot people here are not the wealthiest, a lot of them are very easy going.
I attended Caboolture High and it really is not a bad school. I remember when we would go play inter-school sports and most schools would be scared of us. Afterwards their couch would say how surprised they were at how sporting and fair we played. This is the stigma most people have of the place. Once you get to know it and fit in you'll enjoy visiting the range of activities you can engage in on weekends. It is close to beaches, themes parks (sunshine coast and gold coast), the bush and Brisbane. There is also a large verity of sports and leisure activities to get into. If you want to be a part of the community, signing up to a club is the best way to go. You will make many friends who enjoy playing sport and this will help keep you active and occupied as Caboolture is a very sporting town.
I know many people say everyone is on drugs, smokes and parties all night, but most of the kids don't party all that much. All these stereotypes about sirens heard at night, low income families running wild and getting mugged at night isn't true pr is a true tpo the next town. Like every town there are those streets which are dangerous. Most of the people are friendly and I found if you are polite and respect the place, many other people catch on and start being nice too. With everyone judging the people who live here it is hard not to go along with them and be negative about the place. I know many people who aspire to do great things and go to university. There happens to be a QUT near Central Lakes too.
In Caboolture there are a lot of state and private schools. The only problem with Cabooltire SHS is some negative teachers, though this is probably universal. There are also a few skate parks, bike tracks, fishing spots, water and swimming holes, local pools, PCYC and many extracurricular activities to get evolved in.
The downside of Caboolture is the super council which is run as the Moreton Bay Region. This council spendsa lot of the rates on Redcliff (local beach-side city), whilst Caboolture and other parts of the Moreton Bay Regions suffer losses in infrastructure and repairs.
The great thing about Caboolture is it is a small city ready to boom along with its neighbouring towns. Transport to Brisbane is quick and easy, access to the Bruce Highway is close to many small suburbs. Yet you can still have large acreage and keep farm animals such as horses and chickens. Please do not let those few negative people turn you away from a nice town.
If you want to invest in houses, then Caboolture is the place to go. There are a lot of families looking for rentals and the prices for houses are starting to rise with the moving economy.
Caboolture is under the Longman district and if you are into politics you can easily see Wyatt Roy around the place, not just during his campaigns. It is easy to have you say on how you feel the place can improve.
Although Caboolture is a nice place, if you want a more rural feel, some nice neighbouring towns such as Elimbah, Wamuran and Pumicestone could be more suited to you.
Overall, Caboolture is not as bad as a lot of people make it out to be. There are lots of things to do other than getting drunk and partying all night. There is also a large range of animals to see and Centenary Lakes is a nice spot to feed the local ducks (take chicken feed and lots will come right to your feet).
I know Caboolture isn't the place for everyone, but it does not deserve to be judged so negatively. I hope you all find the place you are looking for.

Great for

  • Large varity of wildlife
  • A major university nearby
  • Very sporting
  • All basic shopping needs are nearby
  • Access to beaches, fishing and parks
  • Lots of pubs and taverns
  • Great shopping
  • Lots of schools and daycare facilities

Not great for

  • Are a lot of burnouts on the road
  • Roads are a bit outdated
  • Under a super council

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
  • Retirees
  • Tourists
  • Students
  • Country Lovers
  • Beach Lovers

thank you,i am glad to speak to someone who actually lives there.we are from coffs harbour and ill health is making our son and family anxious and suggested that caboolture might be a nice place,close to them at brisbane,and he has recently been transferred up that way while still living in brisbane.can i ask about medical help?or is there a place i should be looking for with that information?i hope that there are a lot more people like you there,that would be really nice,even if my husband and myself are older.thank you ,kerrie.


Hey all, looking to move here, can I get an honest appraisal of Caboolture , have 3 young boys 10 12 & 14


I have lived here since 2002. Brought a house for $247, 000 and I brought in the high cycle. It has taken a long time for house prices to rise . In the last 6 months the prices have risen a lot. A few real estate agents have told me that houses are going under contract (some on the same day) especially within 10 mins from the CBD. Buy now as the prices will keep rising due to the new Cab West Development that is being built.

Laura Ragona
Laura Ragona

is there any public transport avalible in the area and is it easy to get around without a car?

The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of
2nd September 2024

"Caboolture is a great place to live!"

I have lived in a lot of places and absolutely love living here. Has great hospitals, facilities, schools, shopping centres, easy access to beautiful beaches and wonderful hinterland areas as well. It is my favourite place now. I know it has a bad name but that is so wrong. The train line is so easy now too, mostly express to the city and you always have a seat. It's perfect in my opinion. The best Korean barbecue restaurant. Lots of mountains to climb, people are friendly, really easy and nice life. Soon hopefully with all the growth here there will be a better nightlife, I think it will happen. Caboolture Sports Club is good, has a great menu and quality entertainment, but that's the only thing that needs to be improved. Otherwise perfect! Move here, you won't regret it!

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"65% Okay"

Years here 18 Years

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"Actually, lucky or not - I've enjoyed living in Caboolture"

Since I moved to Caboolture - I've found it quite convenient in terms of getting to all major shops (Morayfield Shops are very close to Caboolture Shops) - In overall satisfaction with the place, been happy about it. It can have drama here and there but overall, stay out of it and you'll be fine... everyone around are friendly and wouldn't mind recommending this place to others.

Who lives here?

  • Families with kids
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Find real estate agents in Caboolture

"Too hot and the crime a little too high"

I’ve lived in caboolture 4 years or so, it’s not really where I’d like to settle for the rest of my life. I don’t want to raise my kids here either.
I realize there’s crime everywhere but it is a little on the “abit too many scums than I’d like” side of things. Some streets are peaceful. I lived in a street where it was total ghetto, the house opposite me got set on fire in some rivalry, got burnt to a crisp but thankfully the people inside got out and survived, there was a police chase that ended on my street where the guy got out the stolen car and started firing his gun. My flowers got stolen at the front of my house, next door had an attempt break in, the local alcoholics gather at local park. But.. where Iam now, 10mins up the road it is peaceful.

I don’t like the climate but that’s not Caboolture’s fault. I was born and lived in uk til I was 13 and I find anywhere here other than along the coast unbearable. I will be moving. I’d love to move to vic but I have my teen at high school, caboolture high. It’s not terrible but it’s not great.

apart from it sometimes being ghetto as anything. there have been some really nice and genuine people around that isn’t looking to steal from you. I had left my phone at a park and called it and the person who found it returned my phone. I had another lady offer to buy my food from Aldi when I forgot my card. On more than one occasion, I was also at Coles and same thing happened. It’s pretty laid back, there are lots of friendly people. The community laugh at what we have to live amongst at times, there’s always a post on the caboolture community page about some scum that has stolen or broken into someone’s house. It is what it is. You can drive to the beach close enough. I don’t know, if the wheather wasn’t so hot and there weren’t as many scums in general I’d probably stay.

It is affordable if you are looking to buy or rent. I’d like to buy my first home so it is tempting to stay but it’s too hot for me and the young kids can’t get outside in summer. We do drive to the beach. The atmosphere is energetic which I do like, always something happening and some drama in caboolture which makes it entertaining I suppose. Most people including myself find the suburb quite laughable, they’ll be a post with someone who has lost something a the shops, people say good luck getting that back around here, and I get what they are saying but as I’ve said people do experience some good samaritans here me included. It is what you make of it I guess.

Oliver Thomas
Oliver Thomas

I grew up in Tasmania and the entire mainland is too hot for me my Dads from the UK and I spent a year there when I was in my teens I have always regretted returning to OZ as I find the heat unbearable, I am stingly considering GTFO of here once this pandemic crap is over as the heat literally drives me to insanity.

Laaland Clare
Laaland Clare

Let's swa p. I live in. Mrlton. Vic probsblu lijlike caboolture but with cold winf einter hot wind summer, little wayer 40 km ftom melbourbe. Its boring and no community.. I woukd rayger have the cultire of lancashire and worse weather. I lived in csirns lived ot. Yep its hot.


Lived in Caboolture many years and now live in Melbourne. Can highly recommend VIC if you cant stand the heat. It sends me bonkers, Qld is hot year round but summer is relentless. Here in VIC it is generally always cold. Even in summer there isnt constant heat, its on and off. Melbourne is NOTHING like Caboolture at all.


Every place is hot in qld


Its been a while since I wrote this Review... I moved to Victoria! Although I dont like the area we are in and will be moving.. but, I much prefer the summer here in Victoria! Its actually really nice! It strikes me as a little too rural unless you are within an hour from Melbourne, qld seems to have a lot more to see and do, its just a shame its too hot to get out half the year! Iam out in a rural town though that I didnt want to come to but Im hoping to move to a bigger town in may. High street shops rather than shopping centres out here, much like uk which I dont like really need to be closer to the city! And to the guy from Melton, I had been there years ago and agree its boring but at least Melbourne city isnt far away!

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"Just why?"

All that pristine land going for the ugliest suburbs ever, poor quality building and a lagging economy make this suburb a not so nice place to live or visit.


Do you live here at all or are you just bagging the area for no reason?. The region has some of the best riverside and acerage estates (one can find)

Tracy Jarman
Tracy Jarman

I went to high school there and later in life moved there as I had family in the area. I lived there for 20 yrs and moved march 2018. Up the sunny coast. As we know trouble can be in any suburb but as the years went on I would say things got worse in Caboolture. I will never return there again yes it is a cheaper place to buy and rent but that is what attracts more problems.

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"not what it was."

I Have lived in Caboolture for about 25 years now. Location is convenient to trains, shops etc. It used to be semi rural, but now the developers are moving in, block sizes are getting smaller and smaller. There are some nice areas around, but he town itself seems to be going backward. Fair share of joblessness and homelessness don't help the situation.

Who lives here?

  • Families with kids

could you give me any information on the impacts of decreasing greenspace? its for a school project

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"Convenient & down to earth"

As kids we moved around a lot through Australia, New Zealand & England. When we moved to Caboolture I knew this was where I wanted to stay. We had room for my brother to finally get the dirt bike he always wanted, there were plenty of close basketball courts and parks to satisfy my needs and we were basically under half an hour from the beach on one weekend to bushwalking up mt NgunNgun the next weekend. I got a job in Caboolture when I finished school and unlike many other parts of the country housing affordability has never really been an issue. I have an average paying job and was still able to buy a home in the town I loved, without having to get into massive debt and without living on top of my neighbours. Caboolture has its quirks and is far from perfect, don't get me wrong, the 'bogans' that some people are weary of are certainly around, but for me I'd rather talk Bathurst than bank bonds anyway. Life is what you make of it and Caboolture is no exception.

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Did you get paid from the council for this review or do you just live in a bubble? Caboolture/Morayfield is a hole ... and whilst you may think land or rent is reasonable take it from someone that has been here for 30 years that it is a hole. Don't believe me then go to Caboolture train station and wonder why coppers ride trains from Caboolture to Narangba. It's not because of Burpengary or Narangba it's because ice addict parents let their children do as they please because the parents don't even know how to pass on values or morals. If you want a place to help guide disaffected youth come to Caboolture, if you want a place for your kids to become corrupted by degenerates ... come to Caboolture. Still some good mature age souls about but honestly I wouldn't raise a family here if you paid me the overpriced rent each week


If you don't like Caboolture why don't you leave?


I have lived in Caboolture for 40 years.


lol...roberte5 would love to know what "bubble" you live in because every suburb has good and bad, we left the Sunshine Coast to buy in Caboolture, near the big fish, would never raise my children on the Sunshine Coast if it was for free! You might want to look up the crime map and pop your suburb in, think you will be surprised to say the least. 30 years in, wow would have thought you should have moved by now seen as its such a hole lol. We work in Caboolture and have made some really lovely friends. Not sure what sort of people your mixing with to think its full of degenerates.


I have lived in the Cab West area since 2004 and I work in the city. I would never live anyone else. I have the best neighbours, I know everyone at the shops. Has one of the best butchers in King Street


I think you really have to be that person to know those people. I live in inner Sydney. Its a high crime area, as its the city and apparently drug users everywhere. I don't commit crime or take drugs so I just don't see it. Like most people who live in Sydney, I time comes when you want to buy a home which is just not an option for most people in Sydney. I am currently retraining so I can be employed out of the city. I have been looking at Burpengary. The reviews for that suburb on here are great, but they're aren't many of them, so thought I would look here as well. It seems everyone has something negative to say about a place. Like everywhere there's good and bad. Plus I've always found bogans to be the most friendliest and helpful people I've ever meet. Not sure why being a bogan is supposed to be a put down. I've seen home amazing prices for homes and am looking forward to the much slower and quieter pace of live. Seems this area is going to be it for me when I'm ready to move!

Wons Ung
Wons Ung

I've been in Cabo and going on strong for about 5 years. It has its quirks... we laughingly call it 'latenight theatre'. I bought a 'crack house' for a sweet bargain and it's been a labour of love ever since, but I consider it an uncut gem, 1600m2 and right on the river with views to die for. I'm pretty sure I live in the worst pocket of Caboolture. The units to my right are falling apart and the only reason 3 of the 6 units still have tenants is due to the fact they are paying half the market rental. If you are keen they were trying to get rid of them for 100k a pop. The vacant house to my left is now being frequented by the homeless and squatters, but I don't blame them, the house sits on 3600m2 and it also has views to die for, as long as they don't cause a nuisance, I couldn't care less. My neighbours are characters (the good kind) and are happy to keep a lookout for us. New development has been popping up around us and fast encroaching, I probably receive a letter from a developer about once a year. But I'm playing for keeps. This one is going to be passed down to my kids.


Hey, I am doing a school project on how crime rates badly affect the community in Caboolture and from the reviews, I can see there are pros and cons, but could you do me a big favour and tell me why you think crime rates are happening so frequently. I greatly appreciate it, and I would love the help. Thx xoxo

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"Good place to live"

I've been in Caboolture more than 4 years now and I bought a house in Caboolture recently. You can go to Morayfield shopping centre in 10 min and North Lakes shopping centre in 20 min as well as Costco. This area is undervalued but people will realise Caboolture is a good place to live in 5 years of time. I recommend anyone to purchase houses in Caboolture.

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My husband and I are retiring he wants to buy a house near the water I have been reading all the reviews about carboolture any help about the place would be much appreciated

Clark Keinfelter
Clark Keinfelter

Don't move to Caboolture is all I can say


Thinking of buying in caboolture in a new estate riverlands does anyone have any information about the estate or area is it safe ? Thanks

Clark Keinfelter
Clark Keinfelter

As I said don't move there. It is not a good area.


Cab West where I am is good. I wouldnt recommend some parts (like anywhere)

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"Growing and improving regional hub"

I moved to Caboolture over 2 years ago due to the location between my work on the Sunshine Coast and Brisbane. Built a house in Central Lakes the new estate within walking distance of all the basics. I've heard all the stories about Cabo. Yeah there's drugs, deros, wannabe gangsters, welfare bludging deadbeats but there's also a growing number of professional and working class people moving to the suburb and changing it for the better.
In my own little section of the estate, I've formed great friendships with the people in my street and we often have get togethers and bbqs(neighbour is a local butcher so it always helps). There's a park directly across the road that my 3year old basically lives at, if he's not there he s riding his bike on the footpaths or quiet streets.
The commute to Brissy every morning is about 45mins-1hr and Sunny Coast about 30mins.
Nightlife in Caboolture is by no means vibrant, there's a few local bars to watch the footy at, wouldn't be taking the missus there on a date, but 20mins down the road is the Sandstone Point Hotel which is by far the classiest establishment in the area and well awarded(gets some great acts there).
Eating out in Cabo is alright, there's a couple of nice cafes, some decent fish n chip shops/burger joints, the typical fast food places and we have a 24hr bakery, which after a 10hr killer night shift is bloody awesome.
A growing CBD attracts lots of professionals during the day and there's further development to come to make the place better.
In the end Cabo is Cabo, it'll always have the name, if you're looking for an affordable place to live to raise a family or get into the housing market then Cabo is right for you.

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Wons Ung
Wons Ung

The sandstone hotel has some major pull... I've seen billboards for Bryan Adams and Mariah Carey playing there.

Clark Keinfelter
Clark Keinfelter

But who wants to put up with them in the meantime when you could just live somewhere better in the first place. Life is too short to try and change an area for the better.

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"Updated 9.10.2022 I have being living there since 2003"

I love the area, the people, the wide open spaces and its just so handy. Its a 45 min train trip into Brisbane thanks to the new timetables introduced. A great library. Some of the nicest thai, pizza and seafood places I have eaten in for a while. I wouldnt live anywhere else. Best of all my area dosnt flood. Have being through 2011 and 2022 floods. Still a quite place after all these years too

Great for

  • All basic shopping needs are nearby
  • Access to beaches, fishing and parks
  • Great shopping
  • Lots of pubs and taverns
  • Lots of schools and daycare facilities

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  • Country Lovers

Wow you wouldnt live anywhere else thats a bold statement. I wish I could love it here the way you do.


Yes it does get hot but the prices have gone up a lot in the last 6 months. Depends on where you live. My recommendation buy in the Caboolture West or near the lake

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"Its all about what you make it!"

Caboolture is like anywhere these days, it has its good and bad points. Your own attitudes and behavior are the keys to the type of life you will have living here.
I moved to Caboolture from Victoria 10 years ago now and have to say I actually love where I live.
If you hang around trouble makers you will likely find yourselves caught up in trouble. If you are a law abiding citizen, have a bit of common decency and respect you will see that you are not alone.
I have rented since moving here and have lived in 3 different areas of Caboolture (apart from the first 15 months I was here in share houses). I have had no major problems in any of the properties I have lived in. You have the occasional noisy neighbors, barking dogs, or hoons who shouldn't have cars or a license but nothing that you wouldn't get anywhere else. I have got to know some of my neighbors in all 3 properties and had times where I could be there for my neighbors and they were for me also.
There is always plenty of negatives about any aspect of life if you go looking for them, as there is with any area you live in. I have had no major issues living here, I have studied at the local QUT/TAFE, I have been part of community organizations and groups, and I have found work in a community I have grown to love. There are so many health centres, schools, day cares, parks, sporting clubs and groups, cafes, local community events, a hospital at our door step with rapidly growing services.
There are plenty of things to make living here a positive, but if your hunting for it - you will hear/read a mixture of hugely exaggerated things and the type of things that go wrong in any suburb. I wouldn't walk the streets at night - its common sense, but that would be the same regardless of where I lived. If you engage with the community in a positive way you will reap the rewards of the seeds you plant.

Great for

  • Very good public transport system
  • Plenty of community events and celebrations to join in
  • Wide range of community services and groups
  • All basic shopping needs are nearby
  • Access to beaches, fishing and parks
  • Great shopping
  • Lots of schools and daycare facilities

Not great for

  • Trouble makers like anywhere for you to get involved with if you so desire
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"Total dump"

Just awful here. I hate going into Caboolture shops because the people are awful. All low income smokers with too many kids, yelling at them and hitting them. even the new things they've built to clean up and refresh the place are quickly being wrecked by out of control and unsupervised kids. Cig butts everywhere and you certainly can't take your baby or toddler out in Caboolture without risking their health and safety.

Great for

  • All basic shopping needs are nearby
  • Access to beaches, fishing and parks

Not great for

  • Can't go out at night or you will get mugged
  • Police sirens constantly heard at night
  • Low income families running wild
  • Must pay for extra security
  • No range in dining options

Who lives here?

  • Retirees
  • Country Lovers

This was 100% accurate apart from your recommendations. I'd say it;s better recommended for parolees.


Shes not a real estate agent....

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"No snobs in Caboolture then? Great."

What is with all this 'socio economic' snerk. Does the amount of money earned by a family really indicate what they are like as people? Is a family earnig $75K any worse than a family earning $150K? Seems to be quite some snobbery here.


sounds great i cant wait to move in. im really looking for an affordable place to raise my family seems this is the way to go.


@silve we lived in Caboolture our whole lives, grew up there. We have recently moved away because our children are a couple of years away from high school and we would not let them attend the schools we went to. They are disgusting - everyone and I mean everyone does drugs - even the geeks! There is constant violence at schools, shops, parties etc. Our children were being attacked at primary school and the schools did nothing about it. After moving our children are excelling in every area getting awards for academics, spots and music and at the old school they were not even passing? Obviously it is the area! Foul parents = foul children and the schools couldn't care less. Hey there are even stabbings at the private schools at Caboolture. We are not snobs, we grew up in the area, had our kids there and moved on to help them have a better life. We went from owning nothing to an annual income of over $120000 and the money has noting to do with our decisions. Our life time of experiences is what we are basing our opinion on. Give your kids a fighting chance and stay away.


Interesting rant state 'that everyone and you mean everyone in Caboolture does drugs'. Well Roger, I live in Caboolture and I do not do drugs, smoke or drink. So that means that your sweeping ridiculous generalisation is totally wrong. Caboolture has its' negatives but it also has its' positive attributes


YES! you idiot.


There is a lot of money in the area and some great business that are thriving. I have lived here since 2004. I choose to work in the city but I would never live in the city.

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"We love Caboolture"

We have lived all over Australia in some posh places, we love Caboolture. Access to Bribie beaches and Caloundra 30 mins then country 15, heaps of shops got absolutely everything, Love Caboolture, will never leave.

Great for

  • All basic shopping needs are nearby
  • Lots of pubs and taverns
  • Access to beaches, fishing and parks
  • Great shopping

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
  • Retirees
  • LGBT+
  • Hipsters
  • Students
  • Country Lovers
  • Trendy & Stylish
  • Beach Lovers
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"City living with country values and everything inbetween."

First of all Caboolture itself has every required facility at your fingertips, great schools, great shopping, fresh food and meats of the highest standards. Great roads and a council that actually cares about its people. The fact it is located midway between the GC/Brisbane and Noosa makes the weather amazing and only limits your weekend leisure time by your imagination. Fishing, camping, picnics, cruises, fine dining and a top shelf licenced watering holes 5 minutes in any direction make it almost impossible not to stumble into something you will enjoy. I believe that life cant just be about work, you need great facilities and good schools, you have to love where you live inturn creating a reason to pay your morgage that leaves you feeling good each month.. this is what we found in Caboolture and its surrounding towns.

Great for

  • Access to beaches, fishing and parks
  • Great shopping
  • All basic shopping needs are nearby
  • Lots of pubs and taverns
  • Lots of schools and daycare facilities

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids
  • Retirees
  • Tourists
  • LGBT+
  • Hipsters
  • Students
  • Country Lovers
  • Trendy & Stylish
  • Beach Lovers

Lived there my entire life.
Couldn't wait to leave.
Never been happier.

The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of

"Highway Stop"

We moved to Cabby simply because I worked on the Sunshine Coast, and my husband in Brisbane plus we got the property and land we wanted for the right price. However, even since I have changed jobs to the local area - I still find it hard to find places to meet new people. I believe this would have been alot easier if we'd been elderly (all functions seem to be for the older generations) or if we had children.

We have been here just over a year now, and still haven't been able to find out the names of all our neighbours. Vast majority of our neighbours have been broken into within our time here (which isn't actually that different from my last homes at Chancellor Park and Rochedale). However, saying that - we put full security on our premises upon purchasing and we have never had a problem, nor has a lady a couple houses down who did the same thing.

However, I do still love the central location - not too far from city, beach or country. Which means I can still easily do whatever I want, just not normally anything to do with Cabby.

Great for

  • Lots of pubs and taverns
  • Lots of schools and daycare facilities
  • All basic shopping needs are nearby

Not great for

  • Must pay for extra security
  • No range in dining options

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Families with kids
  • Country Lovers

32 years in Cab, moved 4 times, never been broken into once... like anywhere in the country there are certain streets with volume rental activity that do attract crime, even Noosa has police for this very reason. Now I've made top money in the Cab district, raised a very successful family and have no reason at all to put the place down. I think like anywhere the place is what you make of it. If you work, play and enjoy life in general you wont find too many things wrong with Caboolture, Bribie, Woodford etc.


Gotta chime in here re: "FanOf4510" 's remarks "If you work, play and enjoy life in general you wont find too many things wrong.." --> This helps obviously only where all your neighbours in your streets and those surrounding yours put the exact same meaning to these words, which obviously is rarely the case. Too many people we encountered while living in different neighbourhoods of Caboolture from 2003 to 2007 were really selfish by simply being noisy at all times. They considered "playing" and "enjoying life" meaning all things noisy, from loud parties until 4am, yelling, screaming, mini motor bikes, occasional burnouts in the streets, power tools in the garage or work shed, barking dogs that get never trained or even walked...etc Really hope that Caboolture has now finally turned into a great place with great people.


Neighbours make or break a place. We have lived in 4 different places in Cairns in the last 20 years, and can say we had lousy neighbours twice, and good neighbours twice, so I guess it's the luck of the draw. I feel sorry for Uey, who for 4 years lived in different neighbourhoods around Caboolture and seemingly everytime he/she moved, encountered selfish people who were noisy all the time. Hmmmm. Caboolture seems to have a lot of land and acreages, so is this a drawback of living in and around acreages I wonder? People feel more freer to have parties, let their dogs run around the property without bothering to train them, use power tools in a shed (believe me, this is not just the domain of acreage-living people) and burn around on mini motorbikes. We are looking at moving to Caboolture ourselves in about a year's time so any feedback from locals would be welcome.


Hi Kimmy. I was not exaggerating. We had moved to Cab from Sydney in early 2003, after we had bought a block of land (residential size) in a new estate, which was an extension of an existing one. While we were building, we were renting for one year in a different neighbourhood. The very first (week) night in the rental home I was woken at about 2am by a fire cracker (I will never forget this). Then there were neighbours to our very back who were drunk all the time, a young couple with a baby and he was abusing her vocally all the time. To our left was a family with 4 or 5 dogs, doing illegal dog breeding (only one dog was allowed as per Council, but this never bothered us even though one dog was always yapping). Their teenage son did occasional burnouts right in front of our houses which were in a cul-de-sac. Occasional loud music also. Another neighbour two houses down put music up once or twice a week at very loud levels, even weeknights at midnight. Yet another neighbour to the back got on our nerves a few times for talking loudy and running a radio in the middle of the night (1-2am) during the week - they were only metres away from our bedroom window. The first house at the beginning of the cul-de-sac was a rental (two units). One day, a young chap from NSW moved in and he was an obvious Bruce Springsteen fan, as he cranked up the volume so much on the weekends, that we lost our appetite to finish our breakfast on our patio which was probably 20m away. I even went to his door and confronted him, but you could tell that he was a typical bogan with nothing to lose.

We could not wait to be moving into our newly built home, even though we were a bit nervous realizing that there were two obvious sides to this newly established estate. This of owner occupiers with better than average homes like ours and the typical rental shoe boxes. Soon after we had moved in there, we noticed loud music coming from our back neighbours. We went to their house and it was so loud that the guy (a Kiwi) would barely hear the bell. When he opend up, we couldn't believe that his toddler was sitting right there in that noise. We introduced ourselves and kindly asked to turn down the volume. He was actually relatively nice about it and it happened a few more times when his mates were over, but nowhere near as frequently as we should experience with other neighbours.
I invested my own money, blood, sweat and tears into this house and created a beautiful garden on 900sqm. There were young very nasty kids who were riding their push bikes through my new front garden bed WHILE I was working on it! It happened to a few others and with these pests and their parents there is not a lot you can do unless you want to escalate the situation and risk your property and cars be damaged at night....

Our other back neighbours (the block had a funny shape) were quite nice but they got separated and the house sold quickly to a Vietnamese family who were noisy with regular noisy karaoke until late. There were a few nice neighbours in our street, people we considered as 'normal' as us. They were both from England. As more people were moving in, it became apparent that 80% of this new Estate turned into rental homes and it turned into hell for us. There were noisy parties in a few homes all the time, with lots of people attending until the early hours on many weekends. We had young kids drinking in the playground/park and being extremely rude and antisocial towards the residents. Fire was set to grass in that park adjoining the estate a few times in summer. Bogan dads were allowing their kids to drive around the neighbourhood on mini motorbikes. Soon commercial work trucks and Utes were parked in front of every second home in one particular street, destroying the street scape and bringing down the look and feel (and values as a result). People were repairing cars for others inside the garages of their rental homes, doing spray painting jobs, parking unregistered cars in front of the houses. It was terrible. All of this happened despite a newly established Police Beat just around the corner from us, where the Cop was moving into one of those homes! There were regular neighbourhood watch meetings but only a few of those concerned attended but most of those who should have attended didn't and of course the bad guys did not. Nothing changed. The cop was not helpful.
I will never forget how I watched nervously how yet new neighbours were moving into one of the vacant rental homes to the back of us. It was a family with a few teenage kids. They had a shipping container delivered and were emptying it. The first thing they pulled out was the stereo sound system and they played very noisy music for hours while unpacking for hours - what an introduction to the neighbourhood! These people turned out to be the biggest headache yet. The kids were always just noisy, with the music, e-guitar, or the drums or their trekking bike in the back yard, or mini motor bikes in the streets. Typical bogan people. Later they bought the vacant block next to their rental home and built on it! We then knew that they were staying for good. Our direct next door neighbours from England had enough (they were directly facing them) and sold, moving to small acreage. We had also always been considering acreage but inspected many acreage estates to only find with 3/4 or 1 acre, houses are usually built near the street for cost reasons and due to narrow, long shaped block sizes the houses actually turn out to be quite close to each other! So you still have the nasty neighbour risk factor but 10x the work! We actually heard many horror stories of people living on acreage where people and their kids seem to live an even more carefree lifestyle...naively thinking that due to more size they can be even noisier - yet you can hear noise hundreds of metres away if it's loud enough, what difference does it make if your next door house is 5 or 50m away? 5 dogs and an avery of exotic Indian ringneck parrots (VERY noisy!), kids running multiple trail bikes around the dirt creating noise and dust towards you? Parties where parking is no issue as they can accommodate 4 dozen cars on their property?

We also lived in other areas of QLD, including Redcliffe and Bracken Ridge (Brisbane Northside) .... it was the SAME in each of these locations, drunk unemployed people fighting over breadcrumbs on the floor it seemed. We eventually came to the conclusion that it must be a "QLD thing" with the selfishness, the high level of bogans, the antisocial behaviour, the alcohol fuelled parties, the "need" for noise and "don't care your neighbour" mentality ... As we had never experienced any of this in Sydney (where we also lived in three different areas). Coincidence or not, we eventually left QLD for good. It seems this place is filled with people from the lower end of society.

In the years that we lived there, there were petitions to put more police on the beat. It took years and lots of pressure to be put in place. We didn't fee it changed anything. From what I read today, it has even gotten worse.

Lastly, I found this sad blog very recently: Read this woman's story and check out her Youtube "videos" (audios really): (nfh stands for Neighbours From Hell).

I wish you all the best and urge you to do your homework very thoroughly!
Never buy a property unless you have rented in the neighbourhood first, I can't stress this enough. It's just too much of a risk.
We were very very lucky in the end by selling (it took 5 months to find a buyer, and this was in 2008).
Caboolture has WAY too many properties, both second hand and newly built. There were too many estates built, there is still many estates being planned and lots of vacant land and new home and land for sale. Prices have come down and everybody competes with everybody. I would never be buying in this environment. Good luck.


Yeah it's not cabby it's "CABO" Bro LOL


i cant wait to move in. i love to play my music loud lol. i think i can tell there are some easy going laid back people who enjoy the place, and others who are just a bit snobby & nothing better to do than to judge everyone else having fun. id love to get to know the other families i really feel we will fit right in.


It's not about being snobby it's about being respectful to the people who you live around - seriously we were the noisy, drunk, fighting,kids. And it is not cool. You have to grow up one day and realize what is acceptable in Caboolture is absolutely not ok. It's true, look side ways at the wrong person and they'll come back and trash your place if you don't get bashed on the spot. Pregnant Mums pushing a pram with no shoes smoking and slapping there kids about the head is normal. Burn outs yes all the time, drag racing yep, fights and drugs drugs drugs everywhere. My first job when I finished high school was at a local kindy where every day before we let the children out to play we had to collect all the dirty needles from the garden - I am not joking with a pair of rubber gloves and a pair of tongs - we would get at least 8 a day. People were killed from bashings/ stabbings, others just hospitalized, even the cops get bashed up, guys bash girls too they don't care - heaps of people were pregnant at school, people did drugs at school, robberies occur daily, you will be abused for just looking at someone the wrong way. Look we have motorbikes and what Uey is winging about is noting compared to what really goes on in that town. They are oldies looking in - we were those kids now grown up and I'm thankful every day I'm still alive.


I've lived in QLD all my life, in several different towns/cities and there are ferals/bogans everywhere. I haven't been out of QLD but I've always wondered if it is just a QLD problem. I went to the south island of NZ and it wasn't like it is here, they are just normal people! Living in QLD has made me dislike people as most people don't seem to know any better. Although my old neighbours were from VIC and if I didn't know any better I would of sworn they were originally from QLD lol

The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of

"Hmmmm, I've lived in a lot of places...."

I guess anything can be better than where an individual has come from if they know of nothing else, especially when the inital appeal, ie; affordability, loses its shiny, glossy coat of innocent naivety and becomes worn and dull with good dose of reality.

The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of

"Central Lakes has my vote for family and convenience"

We moved up from Sydney. When researching where to move to in Brisbane everything pointed to Caboolture. It was the gateway to the hinterland, to Bribie Island, to the Sunshine Coast and only 35 minutes to Brisbane airport. We chose Central Lakes Estate in Caboolture as it was a new estate with recycled water. We thought that was diffierent as not many estates offer recycled water. And central Lakes has had a shopping centre with Woolworths, Coffee Club, Medical and dental centre, 24 hour gym, and other take away and retail outlets open up recently. I don't know if it's luck or the people but our neighbours are great so we haven't had any problems. It doesn't have the congestion but is convenient and close enough to all the facilities we need as well as being next to a public and private hospital, university, private schools, Tafe, childcare etc.

We thought at first, what have we done, we left Sydney for this? But for the lifestyle and value you gain the cost of housing is half of what you would get in Sydney comparing our house to where we used to live. Area is more for families with bike tracks, walking paths, lakes, playgrounds, bbq facilities etc. Not the place you move to so you can party and there are plenty of families with younger children in Central Lakes. So if you are thinking of moving, go for it. It aint Sydney or Melbourne but the weather is fabulous, the Caboolture markets is great for cheap and fresh produce and there are plenty of alternative and eco friendly, organic services/markets in the area. Sunshine coast, Bribie Island and beaches are approx 30 minutes or less and being only 35 minutes it is an easy commute to the airport if you travel a lot. There is a train station at Caboolture whih is about 50 minutes to Brisbane city. Also, Central Lakes Estate was not affeted by the floods in 2011.

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  • Families with kids
  • Retirees
  • Tourists
  • LGBT+
  • Hipsters
  • Students
  • Country Lovers
  • Trendy & Stylish
  • Beach Lovers

This sounds like it was written by a real estate agent :) If you are moving from western Sydney, this is paradise.


My thoughts exactly Melissa.It sounds like someone is trying very hard to sell the place


And why shouldnt they sell the place? .. It's just a shame people dont put as much effort into building a community they are proud of and filling the place with positivity as they do talking utter rubbish negatives online behind a computer screen, this shire has a phenominal rate of growth, excellent schools and a growing business portfolio, crime is actually dropping and returns for those with half a brain in realestate have been great. Nobody in the country has gotten off scott free given the countries financial dramas but all in all here cabollture stands holding its value quite nicely in the medium to high quality realestate end of the market. Ps: I'm no realestate agent.. just another hard working resident that is sick of unhappy often unmotivated crap talkers on the internet.


Lovely and close to the new addition to the hospital, an entire hospital dedicated to mental health.
It will defiantly attract a lovely crowd and is also where the local jail brings inmates who are hurt or not feeling the best.
Perfect position directly across from a school.
Grand "CABO"


So judgemental so easy to say such nasty things hiding behind a computer screen while glaring & silently judging others in real life. Maybe you should look into the local recreational activities the place offers & get out & enjoy yourself a bit. There's wonderful beaches nearby & the bike tracks, walking paths, lakes, playgrounds, bbq facilities sounds like a nice lifestyle.

The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of

"Great for family living"

It's a great place for families, but then there are areas which are good for retirees as well. It's a place with a diverse range of homes and varying acreage sizes available. There is the train station right in town, Caboolture bus lines with all it's services including buses to all the schools. Several different schools to choose from, and of course it has it's own great Hospital which is going to get a massive upgrade in the coming years. It's so close to everything anybody should need, including beautiful beaches at Bribie Island and lots of choices for shopping.

Who lives here?

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  • Retirees
The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of

"Developers have no idea on athestics, maintaining greenery, trees and parks and have destroyed this towns appeal."

I grew up here from a small child having moved from Gympie in 1973. That was when Caboolture produced its own dairy products and the river was green, there was no Esme Street because that was the paddock where the cows roamed, train's were not electric, not air conditioned and men gave up their seat for a lady. The police station, still where it is today, was only a two man station. Carmody's pub was across the road where that god awful council building is now. It should have been heritage listed but the council, so I'm told, forgot to renew their liquor licence and, I guess, money talks. Morayfield Road was beautifully untouched with bush along either side with the only shops being where Pat and Margaret Nicholls had the local corner store where the carpark is to Anaconda, down there at the intersection with Caboolture River Road. The local butcher was on the diagonal corner, across the road from Morayfield Primary School where the picture framer is now and the local veterinarian had acerage about where Martin Jonkers is. This was when your neighbours looked out for you or took care of things for you if you weren't there, like take your laundry off the clothes line and brought it in if it started raining and had very much the live and let live type of congeniality. Yes, you knew your neighbours. Neighbours actually got along, cut each other a bit of slack and spoke to one another, nicley, hard to believe I know, sorted things out over a beer and a gentleman's handshake meant something. It meant honesty and integrity and honor.

This town started to go down hill when the prison was built out at Woodford and, well, the incarcerated needed somewhere for their families to live. Soon the mates follow because deals are still done in prison and old mate still wants things taken care off while he is on the inside. Contempt breeds comtempt, and so the shallow gene pool flooded over, in a course of time. This sleepy, innocent town just got a wake up.

MacDonalds arrived in Morayfield Road about 1986 and, let's face it, a company/franchise like MacDonalds doesn't go anywhere where it can't make money. Now there are 5 of them.

There were only two places - Caboolture was north of the bridge and Morayfield was south of the bridge. Easy peasy!! The arrogance of developers who like to see their name in mortar have created many more little places. Which brings me to another point, asthetically, this town/s is very unappealing to the eye. Nothing like advertsing a 'small' area as 'affordable' (aka cheap/housing commission) high density living and not have the infrastructure to support it.... oh, but then this justifies knocking down more trees and flattening more bushland, the homes of many native wildlife (I wonder if they understand that koalas are territorial) to widen roads. Mmmmm, pockets filled with dollars, they stand back and admire their handy work as I bend down to check for a joey from yet another doe (kangaroo) killed with a head injury from a vehicle because it struggled to find the land it once knew.

There are nowhere near enough police to patrol an area that covers Caboolture, Morayfield, Upper Caboolture, Bellmere, Burpengary, Narangba, the highway, Bribie Island, Elimbah, Toorbul, Donnybrook, Wamuran, Woodford, Kilcoy and Moore and everything in between. Crime is on the increase and coppers are doing the best they can but it still isn't good enough to a population who doesn't understand and is flooded with biased media.

Sure I reminisce. I understand that growth occurrs and is inevitable but this town/s could have been so much more than what it has become.


I couldn't agree with you more. I have lived in Morayfield/Caboolture since I was 2 years old I'm now 26 years old. My memories are almost identical to yours....the old pink pub (I never knew it as Carmodys probably because I was on the lemonades), the only big place on Morayfield Rd was the Franklins where Harris Scarfe is now. When the Caboolture Park shopping centre was built that was the place to be but that is now dead to the Morayfield Shopping Centre. The only child hood memory that still remains is the vacant block on the corner of Oakey Flat Rd and Morayfield Rd, soon to be developed I understand.

There are actullay 6 McDonals in Cab/Morayfield 2 at the super servos, 1 on Morayfield Rd, 1 in the Morayfield Shopping Centre, 1 at Caboolture, 1 at the Sundowner.

My Mum worked at the Dairy Co Op for 10 years in the 80's and 90's and I have fond memories of going there after school and getting the freshest dairy products available. This has now been replaced by some dodgy meat company which preys on the lower class residents.

In regards to crime, avoid living anywhere near Dominick St, Frank St, Michael Avenue in Morayfield and avoid McKean St and Toohey St in Caboolture. If you want to hear how many mental hospitals/half way houses and the amount and types of crime occuring in the area get a UHF and tune into the police scanner. It is very very scary. There have even been some serious and hideous crimes over the years including the torture of a child at the caravan park, the shooting of a police over, the home invasion & murder of an old man, just to name a few.

Money talks.


I've been here since 82 and totally agree. Used to live in the big white house on the corner of Morayfield Rd and Church st. The whole area (way town) used to be good till the dero's (& Kiwi's)moved in. LoL


I think all the Richie's in the area should buy one each and deck them out then jack the rent through the roof because there local to everything..


Tirbotojo... Nice to see such a racist remark there, i am miving over there and i am another "kiwi" . Not everyone is like another, good and bad in all cultures. I hope i see you there, id like to see if your a true blue "aussie" or just another "dero" as you put it.
I am a very strong kiwi woman so lets see how defaming you are away from your computer screen. Im sick of this "another kiwi crap" get over it. We have plenty of aussies at home and welcome them with open arms... Why dont you try that. Idiot!


I fear for the sheep of Caboolture

The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of

"Growing area but very little ADSL support"

We live in a new estate in North Caboolture which has no ADSL support and, according to Telstra, there are no plans to extend the support. This is the same for many areas surrounding the town centre.

Other than that, it is a nice quiet area with plenty of beaches and parks and the Sunshine Coast an hour north.

Being 5 minutes from the town centre, there is no public transport and the night life is restricted to a few small restaurants and cinema complex at Morayfield

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Families with kids
  • Retirees
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"Caboolture a great place to live for young professionals & their Families"

Caboolture....derived from Kabi words meaning "Place of the Carpet Snake". Well we have our locals and some reside among us and our lovely surrounding areas.
Caboolture offers an expanse of activities and diverse living options from the sedate residential home in surburbia to the expansive country style home overlooking the lovely Glasshouse mountains .Caboolture complemented by the fantistic Shopping facility at morayfield with all one desires in the latest trends and experiences.The home of Urban Country Music.Just a few minutes drive to Beautiful Bribie Island,the Grandiose Glasshouse mountains and Family fantastic treat the Australia Zoo.
What more can one ask for, the area is expanding rapidly with New jobs and Housing estates springing up all over,offering Families Affordable homes from just $309,750 House and land included.see yes this is a great place to live just 35 min the Brisbane international Airport and the CBD.

Who lives here?

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  • Families with kids
  • Retirees

Another agent flogging a dead horse?


bang on joey1968

The opinions expressed within this review are those of the individual and not those of

"everything here - and cheaper than Brisbane"

Caboolture- close to the work opportunities of the city, the beaches of the Sunshine Coast and Bribie Island. No need to leave town for shopping yet close enough to catch a train or drive into Brisbane if you wish. Great schools and housing much more affordable than the city.

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  • Retirees
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"Good little town :)"

It's a good town if you know where to avoid. There are some dodgy parts of town as there are in any town in any country. Nice little place, not too crowded and everything you need is right here. Plus we're smack bang in the middle of Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast and only a 20 minute drive to Bribie Island, what else would you need?!

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Singles
  • Families with kids

"It's a good town if you know where to avoid" ?? That's the problem ... you can't know, and you won't until it's "too late" (you already purchased).

"There are some dodgy parts of town as there are in any town in any country."
That is a great understatement...the dodgy people in our experience over 5 years seem to all meet in Caboolture and some parts of Morayfield, to join the normal people.

Let's face it...this area is more sought after by the lower demographics than other places, due to slightly to drastically lower pricing which naturally occurs.

I would definetely not call this a town anymore...the traffic on Morayfield Rd would have tripled in about 7 years, and the population perhaps doubled ... that's how it feels when you are there.

I can only strongly suggest to rent before you buy (this can be taken as general advice, no matter where you are), in or around the same street you might like to buy - I know it may be impractical but better safe than sorry...


Of course you are going to say that if you didn't have a good experience, which is why you have posted your own review. This website isn't created to being debates, it is somewhere to post your own personal review. So there was no need to go and start an argument against mine, I could easily argue yours but I have better things to do with my time.

I am still in Caboolture and I'm am fine with living here. Anyone smart enough knows to look up a town and search for reviews, talk to locals, etc before they move. Saying that "you don't know till it's too late" is really just a cop-out for someone who didn't do their research first.

About the dodgy parts of town, it was definitely not an understatement. Caboolture is quite a large place know, yeah some compact areas of the CBD aren't too great but there are a lot more parts still technically in Caboolture which are lovely.

If you think that the area is for the "lower demographic" then that is your opinion. I'm sure the Mayors and higher-end business people of the town would disagree with you (yes they exist).

Morayfield Road is very much larger in population, and they need to cut the area down to cope with the commercial areas. But it's not at that stage yet so of course it's going to be crowded, I'm sure the council isn't made of money. Plus, I'm sure there would be quite a few irate tenants. Though when it does happen it will weed a lot of people out of "way town".

They are my responses to the comment on this page only. Next time, leave it alone, you have your own review. No need to comment about how you disagree on everyone elses.


Please excuse the spelling mistakes above, I should have proof-read it first.


I live here in caboolture...,moving here with friends in 2008, and i didnt research the place either. I arrived with my hopes and dreams in my knapsack, my head held high and ready to make the best of it. It took a little while to find work as i had arrived at the end of november so any mature person should know thats not a good time of the year to be moving to an area in any most places are closing down with xmas and holidays looming up fast. Regardless of that i signed a contract for work on the 21st of Dec to start work 2 weeks later in january...meanwhile they were happy to have me do some casual hours till then. I was ecstatic...I like the fact it has good public transport, great shopping with morayfield mall, and caboolture mall if u need something in a hurry with IGA shops all over the place. Its close to bribie island, the sunshine coast, and not that far from the Brisbane airport and City. Home is where u make it...people are what help to make it like, friends, neighbours etc. I can bulk bill here, there are great opportunities workwise, all u have to do is look...and keep positive. It has good schooling, gotta be honest and say some are better than others. There is riff raff here as there is in every place..stay away from that area and those people.....There is entertainment happening here during the year...there is always something to do and somewhere to go. ive heard all the sob stories too, about drugs, drinking, murder, and assaults etc...give me a place that doesnt have something like that happen...But i do believe caboolture is a good place to live regardless. Its been good to me and i have the good fortune to live and work here..I like the fact I have accessibility to all surrounding areas and dont need to drive to far to get there......I like it I am renting at the moment and am now looking to buy....what else would i need Its all here......Caboolture.


Yes Caboolture has bad areas and with the govt approving more and more estates on small blocks they are only going to increase in number.
The 100 acres being developed behing the Market Place shopping centre on Morayfield Road for so called "affordable housing" should prove very interesting.


It's crowded as


Roger Ramjet - 1. How about something a little more constructive and helpful next time? 2. Please note, I wrote this review 2 years ago now. 3. I actually still agree with my original review, the only place I see the area crowded is driving past the Centrelink and Morayfield Shopping Centre during school holidays.


1.How about you write something a bit more helpful and not so misleading!!! 2.If you can't take another persons point of view why write a review in the first place 3.I've been there my hole life and it isn't a Little Town at all. I think Woodford is classed as a little town and Caboolture a mini city with over 50 traffic lights and over 35000 people living just in Morayfield / Caboolture not to mention the outside community's who do their business there everyday this little town jams up and it's very time consuming driving around in slow traffic. This is why it is crowded as !! (Constructively)

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"I would never move out of Caboolture"

I have lived at West Caboolture since 2003 and I would never move. I have some wonderful neighbours who look after you, it is a quite area and there is an IGA, Chemist,Pizza and Seafood place nearby. There are also buses running to Caboolture Station. It is a growing area and we are soon to get a culture centre which will be state of the art.
I have a low mortgage and I happily commute to Brisbane each day which you do get used to.
It is about 30 mins drive to Coolum and close to Morayfield shops. An overall big thumbs up from me.

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"A barren, ugly and depressing place to live but a good oppourtunity for first home owners"

We lived in Caboolture for 5 years when we bought our first home and it was full of crime and just an ugly place to look at. It's miles from the city, and takes forever to commute to work. Some of the outer Caboolture suburbs are nice but Caboolture itself is a dump.We are happy to have gotten out. I would only recommend living here if you had no other choice - sorry to say. Maybe good for investing in rental property.


Just another bogandenile person form cabo lol

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"Caboolture - Northly suburb of Brisbane with fair house prices."

Caboolture is north of Brisbane as is probably considered a suburb. The town is a residential are on the main route to the Sunshine Coast and being on a direct train link to Brisbane CBD makes Caboolture an attractive place to buy a home. Prices here are not too bad considering how close you are to everything including the coastal areas of Moreton Bay and Deception Bay. Visit the Caboolture historical Village, take a cruise down the Pumistone Passage or spend the day at Alma Zoo. Caboolture has good shopping even without the trip to Brisbane with a large shopping centre. There are a number of sporting field and many sports clubs for all ages to become involved with. Never go short of a golf course with several dotted around the area.

Who lives here?

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"A rapidly growing area and great for families."

Caboolture is a township about 45kms north of Brisbane and can easily be accessed on the highway. This used to be a sleepy town but no more. The residential push out of Brisbane has seen huge growth in and around Caboolture and it is a place where many families have decided to reside.

From here you can catch the train into Brisbane which makes it an easy commute if that is where you work.

Caboolture services the rural area north of Brisbane and although it has had the 'country' feel about it, it is now becoming like an outer suburb of Brisbane.

I have heard that it is a little difficult to get to know people and perhaps that is because you have such a variety of interests in the town. There is a lot organised for families and being away from the city it is a great place to bring up a young family.

There have been several retirement villages built and these have proved to be popular.

Who lives here?

  • Professionals
  • Families with kids
  • Retirees

Yes Clickwriter.
Very nice place to live and raise a family.
I have spent the last few years away from the area overseas and found that very depressing and taxing on ones mind and daily activities.
when i returned to Australia and the local area it was so refreshing to see such positive advancement in many areas,New Roads,Bypasses to give quick access to various towns and cities,Housing popping up just everywhere ,i drove from Brisbane to the Sunshine coast and noticed all the way so many new homes being offered at very affordable prices.
Very happy to be back in OZ,here is a link to excellent quality homes at very affordable prices. check it out and get to live in a great community close to Brisbane and the International Airport.
Cheers Ray


Caboolture has a high rate of crime and the public schooling here is not great. With the cheap/affordable rent comes the low socio economic families. There are some nice parts of Caboolture (more expensive) but generally speaking I would not move here and it is definately not somewhere I would raise my kids. I grew up here and have lived in the area for 20+ years. This use to be a nice place but to be honest, not so much anymore.


I dont like morayfield, there are alot of rude ferel people around here. I do my shopping at morayfield shopping centre and there are rude people there, there are kids screaming and swearing, people asking me for a cigarette even though i dont smoke , i say i dont have a smoke and i get called a rude name. I always get an impatient person behind me swearing under their breath and calling me names when i am using an atm or at a checkout. I get the occasional drunk coming up to me to have a chat, i nearly get run down at the crossing every time and i get dirty looks from the cleaning ladies.

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Unranked streets in Caboolture

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